
Day 8 | 12 Days of Christmas: New Year's Resolutions

Every year we all have New Year's Resolutions we all would love to achieve but for a lot of us, we never succeed. This year I’ve decided to create realistic New Year's Resolutions that hopefully I will achieve. I want 2016 to be the year I actually change myself for the better, not just physically but mentally too. Suffering with anxiety does make you stop doing a lot of things, so in 2016 I want to be able to do a lot of stuff I couldn’t do a couple of years ago.
So my New Year's Resolutions are:
1. To go out more – not just out drinking but just generally socialising.
2. Get fit and healthy – go for a brisk walk everyday and go to the gym at least 3 days a week.
3. Eat better – more vegetables, drink more water and less chocolate (oh uh)
4. Save money – me and my boyfriend really want to buy a house!
5. Organise my blog – do more makeup looks, outfit posts, DIY’s and baking.
6. Learn to drive and pass my test.
7. Bake more and learn to cook.
8. Stop biting my nails (my worst habit yuk!)
I will be blogging about my progressi0n on my blog so I have motivation to do well. Please help motivate me, lol!!
Have you thought about what your New Year's Resolutions will be in 2016?

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